Job Searching Networking and Career Advice

How to Write a Follow-Up Email for a Job Application?

Olutumo Bose

Former HR Manager and Expert Career Writer

Most times, we have to do more than submit a “sugar-coated” resume to land our dream jobs. Going the extra mile to follow up on your job application can increase your chances of employment. Additionally, it may even help you get confirmation sooner on whether you are seriously being considered for the job or not.

Of course, you want to follow up without sounding desperate, pushy, or impatient, and I’m sure you’re wondering how to do that. So, here’s a guide on how to follow up on a job application in a polite, professional manner.

How to Follow Up on a Job Application

What Does Following Up on a Job Application Mean?

Following up on a job application means checking in with the recruitment officer after submitting your resume and cover letter. In other words, following up on a job application requires you to send a sort of reminder (via text, email or phone call) about your application to the hiring manager. 

Why Should You Follow-up on a Job Application?

Whether you are confident about your application or not, there are many reasons for following up after submitting your job application. Here are some common reasons that usually push people to follow up with the hiring manager.

  • You haven’t heard from the organization after two weeks. 
  • If you feel the need to reiterate your interest in the position or provide additional information about yourself.
  • You want to make sure the hiring team received your resume and cover letter. 
  • Following up to gain more information about the hiring process.
  • You see it as an opportunity to stand out from other applicants and create a good impression.

How to Follow Up on a Job Application?

Following up on a job application is tricky, yet essential. The way you follow up could jeopardize your chances of getting hired. Although, if you do it right, then the follow up could help you make an impression and create a connection with the hiring team. To ensure you’re on the right track, utilize the few steps below:

Wait At Least Two Weeks

It is ok to want to accelerate the hiring process after sending in your application details (resume and cover letter). However, I highly recommend that you wait for at least two weeks after submitting your details before following up on your application. Waiting for two weeks gives the hiring team enough time to process applications and take note of yours. 

Be Brief and Clear when Following Up

When following up, remember that you’re not sending a new application or reapplying. So, like you do with your cover letters and resume summaries, aim to keep it brief and clear. Your job application follow-up is a reminder that you are the perfect candidate for the job. So, try to keep pitch within 2-3 paragraphs or your phone call within three minutes. 

Clarify Your Strong Interest in the Job

Whether you follow up via a call or an email, it is important to emphasize your interest in the role. Remind the hiring manager that you are a great fit, and you would love to be of benefit to the company.

Focus on Your Top Qualifications

Above all things, the primary intent of a job application follow-up is to increase your chances of getting hired. So, after reconfirming your interest, focus on your top qualifications, experience, and skill-set concerning the job description. This will enable you to position yourself as an excellent choice. 

Show Your Gratitude

When job searching and networking, you should never end the correspondence without showing gratitude. Making other people feel important by just saying thank you can go a long way. So, make sure you end the follow-up email or call with a big thank you to the hiring manager for their time and the opportunity.

Tips to Follow When Following Up on a Job Application

  1. Re-read the job description

Before following up on your application, reread the job description to see if there are any instructions on following up. Do not reach out if the application explicitly says someone will contact you first. But if you don’t see any instructions, wait at least two weeks before reaching out.

2. Choose the best day to follow up

In most organizations, Mondays and Fridays are often the busiest, as they are the beginning and ending of the week. So, reach out between Tuesday to Thursday for the best chances at the recipient viewing your email and replying.

3. Use those connections

Do you know anyone who works at (or with) the company? Reach out to them, explain your current situation, and tell them why you’d fit so well with the job and company. Maybe that person could put in a good word for you or help get your resume to the top of the list. It never hurts to use your social currency to land your dream job.

4. Be professional

Following up on your application doesn’t make you any closer to the hiring manager, so remember to be nothing short of professional. Although recruiters can be friendly, being overly friendly may put you off in a bad light and ultimately limit your chances of getting employed. Be professional and respect personal boundaries when following up.

5. Make sure you use the right contact info

There’s nothing worse than following up with the wrong person or email address. The job description typically has contact information listed. However, if there is none, then you can check the company’s profile on LinkedIn, JobSearcher, or their own website.

How to Write a Follow-up Email for a Job Application

A follow-up email is perceived as a more professional way to check in on a recruitment process. Luckily, writing a follow-up email is a lot simpler than writing a cover letter. Although you won’t always get a reply, it is worth giving it a shot. So, here are some tips and samples to help you write a follow-up email.

  • Write a clear subject, citing the purpose of the email. 
  • Make the body of the email short and simple.
  • Conclude with gratitude.
  • Do not attach any other document. 
Subject: Following Up on The Job Application For [Insert Position Title]

Dear Hiring Manager, 

I hope all is well. I understand how busy you are with your responsibilities at the office. I recently applied for [position title], and I wanted to check in on your decision timeframe. 

I really feel that [insert qualities that make you a prime candidate] puts me in a good position to be of benefit to the company, and I can't express how excited I am to potentially get the opportunity to work at [insert company name].

I would also like to reiterate that I'll be available to provide any additional information as you advance to the next stage of your recruitment process. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to communicate with me, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]

Sample for a Job Application Follow-up

It could be possible that you’re not sending an email follow-up. Maybe you are making a phone call or sending an instant message. Either way, here’s a sample that could work for both situations.

Hello [insert recruiter name].

I trust you are well. My name is [insert your name], and I recently applied for [insert job title]. It has been a little more than two weeks, so I just wanted to check in and inquire about where you are in your recruiting process. 

I really feel that [insert a quality or two] makes me a prime candidate. I would love to provide any additional information, if necessary. 

I can't express how much the opportunity to make a difference in your company means, so thank you for taking the time to communicate with me. I hope to hear back from you soon.

Thank you, and have a good day.

Sincerely [use a closing if an instant message],

[Your name]
[Phone number]
[Email address]

Frequently Asked Questions on Job Application Follow-up

How Do You Politely Ask about Your Application Status?

When inquiring about application status, start with a greeting and professionally state your intention. Hiring managers expect applicants to reach out, so just lead with a very brief introduction of yourself, the position you applied for, and mention that you want to inquire about their decision timeline.

BONUS TIP: If you are following up via email, it is always helpful to attach your application materials.

How Long Should You Wait for a Job Application Follow-up?

While some hiring managers believe following up less than a week after you submit your job application is appropriate, most others agree that the best time to follow up is between 1-3 weeks after submitting the job application. Following up after 3 weeks puts you at risk of just being too late and missing out on an opportunity.

Is It Ok to Send a Follow- up Email after an Application? 

Yes. It is not only okay, but it is highly recommended. Keep in mind that hiring managers are not obligated to answer, so you may not get a response. In that case, it is okay to follow up once more. If you still don’t get a response or any feedback, then it may be time to move on to the next application.


Following up on your job application may not necessarily be an exciting activity, but it is expected. So, don’t feel like you’re upsetting the hiring manager. Be cordial, professional, and optimistic. Your follow-up letter or call may be the thing that gets your job application noticed.

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