Resume and Cover Letter Tips, Tricks, and Examples

Customer Service Manager Resume

Stephen M. King

Certified Resume Writer and Career Coach

This article covers different aspects of a Resume Customer Service Manager, and provides Customer Service Manager resume examples. As part of this, the article will delve into some customer service skills resume examples. Another name for this type of resume is Service Manager Resume or in the collective, Service Manager Resumes. 

What is Customer Service?

In describing Customer Service Manager resumes, it is fundamental to know what customer service is. Customer service is the support you offer your customers. This includes the service you offer before and after they buy and use your products or services. It helps them have an easy and pleasurable experience with you. Providing first-class customer service is critical if you want to retain customers and expand your business. 

Today’s customer service extends far beyond the traditional telephone support agent. Customer service is available via email, web, text message, and social media. Many companies also provide self-service support so customers can find their own answers at any time. Customer support is more than just providing answers. It is an important part of the promise your brand makes to its customers.

In targeting the language to use and formulating a resume for Customer Service Manager, it is important to know what the brand offers the customer. In the past, people chose which organizations they did business with based on price, or the product or service offered. Today the overall experience is often the driver. Being aware of this will impact the resume’s phraseology. 

The Customer Support Manager

A primary task of the Customer Service Manager is to ensure that the customer satisfaction and retention levels are high. They also are responsible for motivating and training staff. In fact, the Customer Service Manager is the motivational team member who leads by example. They inspire staff and others to optimal productivity levels. The most effective Customer Service Manager resume sample highlights qualifications such as:

  • Communication abilities
  • Leadership
  • Superb organizational skills
  • Analytical thinking
  • Computer proficiency

While some employers require job candidates to have at least a high school diploma, other employers may require that the candidate possess a Bachelor’s Degree. Therefore, it is important that your Service Manager resume sample/template reflects whichever is required. This role also requires one to be a problem solver; in other words, the go-to person who deals with escalated and upset customers. 

Most all of us have been on both ends of this dynamic. We have dealt with an unhappy customer, and we have been the customer who is unhappy about a situation. An effective Customer Service Manager knows just how to listen to the customers’ needs, respond with calmness and sensitivity to deescalate the situation, and to resolve the issue.  

Creating the Customer Support Manager Resume

A first step in crafting a Customer Service Management Resume is selecting the correct format. The three primary resume formats are chronological, functional, and combination or hybrid. With the chronological format, you list your professional experience in reverse chronological order; in other words, list positions from most recent to oldest. A functional resume does not highlight your chronological work history. Instead, it focuses on the skills you have developed that fit the requirements of the job for which you are applying. A combination or hybrid resume can be used to show an employer your most relevant qualifications, skills, and experience, while still documenting your work history. This resume format is also a good way of answering the hiring manager’s questions about career changes, employment gaps, and other potential red flags.

Make sure that your most important accomplishments are featured prominently and not buried within your resume. Avoid irrelevant or less than positive information. Also ensure that your resume is easily readable, which can include adequate font size, a logical flow from beginning to end, and lots of white space.

You may be tempted to cram as much information as possible into a one or two-page resume, but remember that hiring managers and recruiters are dealing with huge amounts of resumes. Dense, thick text can be very tiring on the eyes. So, this is the value of using easy-to-spot bullets to break up the text.

The Summary Section

Coming right after the Resume Header which contains the contact information is the Customer Service Manager Resume Summary. This is an important section because it provides a hiring manager an easy way to get an at-a-glance sense of your experience, objectives, and character. In essence, it is the executive overview of your career. It is particularly effective in this section to use powerful adjectives and verbs to showcase your expertise, motivation, skills, and personality.

The following is an excellent example of a Customer Service Manager Resume Summary. 

Performance-driven customer service manager with stellar record of success leading teams and managing service operations, delivering exceptional results while meeting the time-sensitive needs of the medical and pharmaceutical markets. A respected, hands-on manager who leads by example; a skilled coach and mentor who leverages strong communication skills to articulate and gain buy-in to achieve shared goals. 

The Skills Section

Your resume also needs to refer to the qualifications that are listed in the job advertisement to which you are applying. Read through the job listing closely. Write down a list of the main qualifications the role calls for. Then, take the time to match your qualifications to the job when you’re creating or updating your resume. 

Skills or core competencies can also be matched to critical keywords in a job description. The employment of keywords is a critical aspect of the resume-scanning process, in which employers and recruiters electronically search resumes for specific terms to identify candidates with the qualifications, skills, and credentials for their specific hiring needs. Also with skills, you can employ both technical skills and soft skills, such as problem-solving abilities and communication skills.

You can consolidate skills in its own section, or you can sprinkle them throughout the bullet points in the Professional Experience section. 

Here are some examples of skills for a Customer Service Manager Resume.

  • Complaint resolution
  • Retail operations management
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Front-End supervision
  • Sales & Margin Improvement
  • Team building and training
  • Order fulfillment

The Professional Experience Section

This section is really the primary focus of the resume. In it, one’s previous positions are listed, including company name, job title, and years in that title. Although this is the section where you list your daily tasks, it is critical to emphasize particular accomplishments, especially ones that can be quantified.

A Customer Service Manager job description for a resume should list the day-to-day job tasks in short paragraph format. Then, list specific accomplishments in bullet format under the paragraph. 

Examples of the bullet point accomplishments are:

Surpassed all customer service metrics, achieving better than 3.6% ABD rate, 99% accuracy, and 90% customer satisfaction level.


Achieved 84% increase in revenue in first year of tenure, increasing order volume by 59% and value of orders by 10% through effective upselling, product bundling, and promotional strategies.

The Education Section

The Education Section can include college, certifications, credentials, licenses, registrations, and continuing education. If any are particularly notable educational accomplishments, make sure to list them prominently in this section. Listing a very high GPA or a distinction such as summa cum laude will be noticed.

The following is an example:

University of California, San Diego

Master of Public Administration; Concentration in Management and Budgeting; Graduated 2012, Magna Cum Laude.

Completed numerous high-level courses in microeconomics, public finance, research methods, statistics, and policy analysis.


You may have some other types of accomplishments that can make your resume look even more powerful. In that case, consider adding an Extra Section. This section can include categories such as:

  • Honors and awards
  • Public speaking
  • Publications
  • Technological skills and qualifications
  • Teacher and training experience
  • Committees and task forces
  • Professional affiliations
  • Civic affiliations
  • Personal information (multilingual)

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  1. paradigm IT Private Limited Reply

    Thanks for sharing this post.
    paradigm IT Private Limited

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